
Torrent Engineering and Equipment specializes in prefabricated water pumping stations for a variety of industrial, municipal and recreational applications. With over 50 years of cumulative experience, we offer a broad range of service and equipment products at the most competitive prices available.

A saving in overall project cost

A decrease in installation time

A simplification of logistics

Providing single source responsibility

A reduction in construction problems

Proven design concepts and integration

High Pressure

Applications: Snowmaking, Water Transfer, Industrial Water Supply, Municipal Water Supply

Capacities: To 20,000+ GPM

Pressures: To 1,400+ PSI

Low Pressure

Applications: Turf Grass Irrigation, Agricultural Irrigation, Industrial Water Supply, Municipal Water Supply

Capacities: To 20,000+ GPM

Pressures: To 250 PSI


Applications: Snowmaking, Water Transfer, Industrial Water Supply, Municipal Water Supply, Irrigation

Capacities: To 1,000+ GPM

Pressures: To 400+ PSI