Oil & Gas

Torrent Engineering & Equipment continues to build its presence in the oil & gas industry. We offer prefabricated pump stations in prefabricated buildings, as well as other configurations. Our buildings meet all state and local codes. Our solutions are well suited for all shale plays. Our location has made us very favorable for the pump stations in the Marcellus Shale Play and the Utica Shale Play.

Our proven solutions include:

Long distance pumping directly to the well site.

These systems are often high pressure systems to pump to remote sites at high elevations. Our custom designed booster stations can be used if the conditions require it.

We offer a number of effective motor control and electrical distribution solutions for oil and gas applications.

Pumping stations for filling retention ponds.

Pump stations designed to fill over the road tanker trucks.

Our history of successful projects, adherence to regulations, and proactive attitude give us a distinct advantage in the Oil & Gas marketplace. We look forward to earning the opportunity to bid on your next project!